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Park of Legends

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
    • Facilities:
      • We accept payment by credit card
      • Air-conditioning
      • We speak English
      • Parking
      • Booking
      • Booking online
      • Toilet
    • County:
      Powiat kielecki
    • Address:
      Nowa Słupia , Benedyktyńska 6
    • Postal Code:
    • Latitude:
    • Longitude:
    • Tourist region:
      • Kielce Region
      • Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Region
      • Starachowice Region
    • Monday:
    • Tuesday:
    • Wednesday:
    • Thursday:
    • Friday:
    • Saturday:
    • Sunday:
    • price:
      Full 30 PLN, Reduced 25 PLN
    • Discounts:
      • Children
      • Group
      • Families
  • Description

    What is the origin of Madej’s bed (torture rack), [*the name Madej's bed probably comes from the name of the robber Madej, for whom, according to legend, a bed of torment was prepared in hell], and what did the robber Kak do that he was hanged on the gallows in Krakow?

    What were the witches' sabbaths on Łysa Góra like and what were the devils afraid of? Who was the mysterious pilgrim and what did the miraculous spring become famous for? The ancient Świętokrzyskie Mountains hide many secrets, passed down from generation to generation in legends and tales. They are known to the inhabitants of these mountains. Sometimes they are written down for posterity.

    The Park of Legends decided to collect them in one place, describe and showcase them in order to preserve this priceless intangible cultural heritage of the region for the future.  

    The Świętokrzyskie legends are a world full of magic, witches, devils, reformed robbers, noble knights and... saints. A world where good always wins over evil, and evil witches turn out to be good, beautiful sorceresses. You could show all these legends in a museum display case, but the Park of Legends in Nowa Słupia had a different plan. Its visitors, after passing through the gate of time, enter the land of the Świętokrzyskie legends as... their heroes, participants in the events. To make the experience of these extraordinary stories as complete as possible, cutting-edge technology has been used, such as VR goggles that allow you to fly on a broomstick. 
    It's magical, because after all - Świętokrzyskie enchants!

    We begin with the tourist epicentre of our region - the Park of Legends of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains in Nowa Słupia, where... the Świętokrzyskie legends materialized. This state-of-the-art multimedia facility is now home to some of the most beautiful legends from our region, where every visitor - young or old - can take part in a light-hearted and enjoyable clash between ancient stories and science:

    • from the impenetrable mysteries of nature solved by modern biology
    • from the startling climate changes that have shaped the Earth
    • from the great history of our country, which influenced the small history of the regions.

    Let the visit to the Park of Legends be an introduction to the sights of the Świętokrzyskie region for you and your loved ones! It is up to you to decide which direction to go for knowledge, fun and integration....


    Hidden text line that is needed to fix map width
    • 21.083128452301
    • 50.860089687187
    • Nowa Słupia, Benedyktyńska 6
    • Park of Legends