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Alive Museum of Porcelain in Ćmielów

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
    • County:
    • Community:
    • Address:
      Ćmielów , ul. Sandomierska 243
    • Postal Code:
    • Latitude:
    • Longitude:
    • Tourist region:
      Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Region
    • Whole week:
    • Comments:
      October-April: 9:00-16:00
    • price:
      Full 42 PLN, reduced 32 PLN
  • Description


    The small town of Ćmielów in the powiat of Ostrowiec is famous for the best quality porcelain produced there. Galleries in New York, Chicago, Paris, London, Berlin, Moscow and in other European capitals are proud owners of porcelain masterworks from Ćmielów, which in the 1960’s were a huge world success.

    In 2005 on the premises of the former Świt Porcelain Manufacturing Company the “Alive Museum of Porcelain” was established. It differs from other institutions of the type. Apart from exhibitions of period statuettes, one may also participate in the process of porcelain manufacturing and even make a porcelain work oneself.

    Ćmielów is renowned for producing top-quality porcelain. Handmade from original forms, the town’s porcelain figures became world-famous in the 1960s.

    Poland’s first Living Museum of Porcelain was established in the former Świt porcelain factory in 2005, and its guided tour is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the manual porcelain production process, the materials used, the difference between pottery and porcelain, and the role played by beet  juice in it. Visitors can touch and taste everything, and there are also Porcelain Workshops, where participants can make a rose out of clay or paint a piece of porcelain under the expert eye of an experienced instructor.


    Hidden text line that is needed to fix map width
    • 21.5303647
    • 50.8863513
    • Ćmielów, ul. Sandomierska 243
    • Alive Museum of Porcelain in Ćmielów