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Educational Centre "Glass House" - Stefan Żeromski Manor House in Ciekoty

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
    • County:
    • Community:
    • Address:
    • Postal Code:
    • Latitude:
    • Longitude:
    • Tourist region:
      Kielce Region
    • price:
      Full 15 PLN, reduced 12 PLN
  • Description

    This is a special place on the Polish map connected with Stefan Żeromski, famous Polish writer. The spatial arrangement of Żeromszczyzna (this name of this place works for years) has a symbolic character.

    Here are affixed two objects: a replica of an old mansion (the memory of the writer, his longing for the land and family home) and a new building (futuristic visions of the writer, his dreams of a better and more beautiful life experienced by our society).

    "Glass House" is also a center of tourism in the Świetokrzyskie Mountains. Serves the whole range of services for different audiences - from weekend tourists and regular walkers, by organized groups of school with a program of field activities, "Azimuth at Żeromski" rallies terrain orientation, travel evenings and ending with the training of various forms of qualified tourism ( including canoeing, tripskate, safety on the ice).


    Hidden text line that is needed to fix map width
    • 20.8042849
    • 50.9133908
    • Ciekoty
    • Educational Centre "Glass House" - Stefan Żeromski Manor House in Ciekoty