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Metallurgical Furnace in Kuźniaki

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
      Monuments of technology
    • County:
    • Community:
    • Address:
    • Latitude:
    • Longitude:
    • Tourist region:
      Kielce Region
    • price:
  • Description

     Driving from Ruda Strawczyńska to Mniów, it is worth taking a break and stopping at Kuęniaki in order to see a huge metallurgical furnace, very interesting as regards the architecture, which once belonged to a steel mill called “Jadwiga”.

    Resembling a cut pyramid, the furnace was used from 1782 to 1897, producing up to 1000 t of pig iron at the peak. Pig iron was used for production of railings, grids, crosses, pipes and sheets. Apart from the ruins of the big furnace, an old water intake (a dyke, a pond and a sluice), an about 100m long, underground, vaulted channel and heaps of slag in front of its mouth have remained up to the present.


    Hidden text line that is needed to fix map width
    • 20.358610153198
    • 50.972670242236
    • Kuźniaki
    • Metallurgical Furnace in Kuźniaki