The Museum of Nature and Technology is an exceptional place because of the variety of its exhibits. Its most valuable item is the Blast Furnace Assembly of the first half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
It is also the best preserved complex of ferrous metallurgy plants in Europe. In the museum, one can see an ancient, iron and steel, industrial settlement with a primitive, smelting furnace; old vehicles once produced by Zakłady Starachowickie and petrified footprints of dinosaurs. Schoolchildren can enjoy lessons divided into three thematic categories: “From a Primitive, Smelting Furnace to the Blast Furnace”, “The Town of Star and Bofors” and “Tracking the Świętokrzyskie Dinosaurs”, which are organized there. For the last few years, on the premises of the preserved complex of the ferrous metallurgy plants, various events have been held. The most popular ones are “The Iron Roots” and “The Fair at Starzech’s”.