Bieliny - at the foot of the sacred mountain

Bieliny - at the foot of the sacred mountain

Strona głównaSightseeingBieliny - at the foot of the sacred mountain


Tourist region:
Kielce Region
Bieliny to miejscowość znajdująca się przy trasie 753 (Nowa Słupia-Wola Jachowa). Od Kielc oddalona jest o ok. 25 km, od Nowej Słupi ok. 13 km, od Ostrowca Świętokrzyskiego o ok. 40 km. Do Bielin z Kielc należy wyjechać trasą 74 (Kielce – Opatów, wyjazd ulicą Świętokrzyską), a następnie w Woli Jachowej skręcić w lewo w drogę wojewódzką 753 (kierunek Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski; skręt oznaczony brązowym drogowskazem wskazującym drogę na Święty Krzyż). Ze stolicy województwa świętokrzyskiego do Bielin dotrzeć też można z dworca PKS przy ul. Czarnowskiej 12 korzystając z autobusów PKS (rozkład na stronie internetowej przewoźnika ( prywatnych busów (rozkład na stronie internetowej przewoźnika ( Kursy z Ostrowca Świętokrzyskiego obsługuje PKS Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski (rozkład jazdy na stronie internetowej przewoźnika (
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Imagine a land smelling of strawberries, grandma's suet and baniocek. It is guarded by a monumental and mysterious mountain boasting as many as three names - Łysa Góra, Łysiec and Święty Krzyż.

The Bieliny commune is a treasure trove of Świętokrzyskie voivodeship nature and history.  Due to its stunning location just below Łysa Góra - Święty Krzyż, the commune is  considered one of the most attractive tourist areas in the region. It is enough to stay here for a while to feel the atmosphere of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains.


Medieval settlement in Huta Szklana - here, under the Łysa Góra, the inhabitants of the  medieval settlement have found their place - an herbalist, a weaver, a blacksmith and a  shoemaker, who are happy to talk about their work. They also invite you to workshops and podłomyk tastings. Here you will learn what wormwood is used for, what resin ointment is used for and how to make really good strawberry jam.

Świętokrzyska Culture Homestead - Harmonia in Huta Szklana

Right next to the Medieval Settlement you will see an interesting object in the shape of.... Harmonica, which  presents the life of a 19th-century Świętokrzyskie village. The background of the story are  the four passing and staggering seasons. A tourist who enters the building will be able to  travel into the past and learn about the traditions and customs of the Świętokrzyskie village.  The building also provides conference facilities, with a café and a souvenir shop.

Karczma IZBA DOBREGO SMAKU in Huta Szklana

Zalewajka świętokrzyska,  lumberjack's food or baniocek, i.e. spicy cake - these are just some of the proposals of the inn, which serves delicious dishes referring to the culinary traditions of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains.

Every year, Bieliny celebrates its strawberry festival. You will feel the taste of Bieliny  strawberries not only when savouring this delicious fruit, but also when tasting ice-cream,  cakes and even salads with this delightful fruit. The best time to come to Bieliny is in June,  when we celebrate Strawberry Day.

Mistrzostwa w sypułkowaniu truskawek


The 19th century cottage of Wojciech Samc at the foot of Łysica is a resting point on the main red hiking trail through the Łysogóry. Right next to the historic cottage, you can take a rest in the Kaka Cottage, taste Mrs. Teresa's famous dumplings and refresh yourself with cool drinks. Here you will feel the atmosphere of the 
robber Kaka, the legendary resident of Kakonín.


Take a walk through the village and see the wooden manor house of the family of writer  Józef Ozga-Michalski. See also the church of St. Joseph, associated with the legend of the robber Kaka, built by Jakub Zadzik. Today, it has an early baroque form with a classicist façade. In the main altar there is a painting of the Holy Family from the 17th century, in the transept, there are late Baroque altars with the paintings of the Virgin and Child and the 
Crucifixion from the 17th century. 

Dom Józefa Ozgi-Michalskiego w Bielinach


Bieliny commune for active people - Bieliny is a walking paradise for hikers - and all thanks to the areas of the Świętokrzyski National Park, which includes the Łysogóry range under protection. A fragment of the main Edmund Massalski  Świętokrzyskie trail from Kakonin to the Holy Cross itself runs through the Bieliny section.


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Bieliny - at the foot of the sacred mountain
