Autobus turystyczny - Zarezerwuj bilet !!!

The Cave Raj

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
      Nature reserves
    • County:
    • Community:
    • Address:
    • Latitude:
    • Longitude:
    • Tourist region:
      Kielce Region
    • Comments:
      January – April 09.00 – 16.00 May – June 09.00 – 19.00 July – August 09.00 – 18.00 September - October 09.00 – 17.00 November 09.00 – 16.00
    • price:
      35-40 PLN (booking needed)
  • Description

    Taking a trip all around the Świętokrzyski Region, one only needs to turn off the E-7 motorway from Kraków to Kielce into a side roads to get to the very centre of “Raj” being the most beautiful cave in Poland.

    Nature has for ages created its underground complex of breathtaking tunnels and chambers decorated with hundreds of stalagmites, stalactites, pillars and pisoids of various shapes and forms. A 180-metre underground route was opened especially for tourists, who may admire the fairy- tale like underground world. The entrance of the cave houses an exhibition with its restored camp of a Neanderthal family, three natural sized figures and remains of prehistoric animals such as the mammoth, hairy rhinoceros and cave bear.


    Hidden text line that is needed to fix map width
    • 20.499200820923
    • 50.824860868375
    • Dobrzączka
    • The Cave Raj