European Tale Center
Leisure Time

European Tale Center

Strona głównaLeisure TimeEuropean Tale Center

Informacje ogólne

Object type:
poi.type.educational, poi.type.weekend_for_young_people, poi.type.with_family


Pacanów, ul. Kornela Makuszyńskiego 1
Postal Code:
Tourist region:
Busko-Zdrój Region
Pacanów to gmina w powiecie buskim. Z Kielc najłatwiej dojechać tu droga krajową 73 (Kielce-Tarnów), przez Chmielnik i Busko-Zdrój. W Niegosławicach, tam, gdzie znajduje się duży napis Pacanów, należy skręcić w lewo. Po przejechaniu pacanowskiego rynku kierujemy się prosto, a następnie w prawo. Do Pacanowa można też dojechać PKS lub busem (najlepiej dojechać do Buska-Zdroju i tam przesiąść się w busa lub PKS na Połaniec).
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Services and facilities


Prices and discounts

Children - Group - Families - Students

Additional information

Offer duration:

Contact details

Organizer name:
European Tale Center
Organizer data:
Pacanów, ul. Kornela Makuszyńskiego 1
Phone (mobile):
+48 606 654 983
+48 41 376 50 72
Web address:

Famous fable town really exists! Billy Goat, the host of this beautiful places, invites children from all over the world. One can meet Little Red Ridding Hood, Puss in Boots and dwarfs. Crossing the threshold, the guests see a table, four meters high, under which a Magic Wardrobe is located. From this magical station, the children will leave for The World of fables. During the visit, the guests will see unusual plants, such a great berries lit by lanterns in the shape of forest lily of the valley, grow only in the Magical Garden. Do not scare away the dwarves and little Thumbelina! Unusual place is filled with numerous mirrors, and on sculpted columns the magical glass balls are. Each of them has a land of fables in it. And only a magical compass will show the way to one of those hidden lands.

The Billy Goat European Tale Center in pacanów is a cultural institution of the local government, estabilshed in 2005 by Pacanów Commune and the Local Government of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship in order to realize the idea of transforming pacanów into the European Fairytale Capital. In the multifunction facility for children, there is a library with a reading room, a screening and theatre room. The building is surrounded by a garden of senses with arbours; there is also a blacksmith"s shop to commemorate the famous blackmiths from the book "120 Adventures of Matołek the Billy Goat". An amphitheatre is located by the pond. Children and adults coming here will find themselves in a dream fable, full of of colours and suprises. The exhibition is also a perfect opportunity to teach children how to differentiate good from evil and what is true from what is false, to instill values in them and show that the good finally wins and the evil is punished.

Billy Goat European Tale Center
ul. Szkolna
28-133 Pacanów
phone +48 41 376 50 79

Opening hours:
10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday - Sunday
Monday - closed

Ticket prices:
Individual pass:
- full ticket 13 PLN
- reduced 9 PLN
Children until 5 - entry free

- full ticket 12 PLN
- reduced 8 PLN
- family ticket 35 PLN (2 adults and 2 children)

Information can be obtained in The Regional Center of Tourist Information
ul. Sienkiewicza 29
25-007 Kielce
phone: +48 41 348 00 60

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European Tale Center
