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Ponidzie Express Narrow-Gauge Train

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
      • Closer to nature
      • With family
    • Organizer name:
      Ponidzie Express Narrow-Gauge Train
    • Organizer data:
      , 0
  • Description

    The Świętokrzyska Local Train “Ponidzie Express Narrow-Gauge Train”, which uses the narrow-gauge line built by the Austrian military units already in 1915, belongs to one of the major tourist attractions of Ponidzie. The retro train, which may consist of a vintage steam or diesel engine, passenger carriages, “plein-air”, “summer” (without the roof) and dining carriages, runs every weekend in the summer season and to order. Being on the vintage torurist train on the way from Jędrzejów to Pińczów (or vice versa), tourists have a chance to admire beautiful views of Ponidzie and Nadnidziański Landscape Park. During the trip at the group’s request it is possible to make a stop in the town of Umianowice, where a roofed spot with wooden tables, benches and large hearth is located.

    The Świętokrzyska Access Railway – Ciuchcia Expres Ponidzie

    from Jędrzejów to Pińczów
    ul. Dojazd 1, 28-300 Jędrzejów
    phone +48 41 386 22 55