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Operation "Adventure"

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
      • Educational
      • Weekend for young people
  • Description

    Operation Adventure is a fine way of spending leisure time, perfect for all those who like to be active and gain new experience. It is a 4-day long trip to the most interesting spots of the Świętokrzyski Region. Each day brings brand new places, new mysteries hidden in the region"s history, memorable adventures and great fun!


    The first day invites us to the “World of Fairy-Tales and Play” in the Museum of Toys and Play in Kielce which is the oldest Polish museum of that kind. It is the only place where children can dive in the unique world of tales and toys. In the museum all the amazing exhibits has been gathered – model aeroplanes, cars, historic toys as well as beautiful old and contemporary dolls from all over the world. Each of us can find something of their own liking – the adults can feel as if they were children again, whereas kids can get to know the toys of their fathers.
    The next stop is Kadzielnia. This magical place is in the centre of Kielce – the capital of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. Nowadays it is an inanimate nature reserve with marvellous carst landscape. An amphitheatre with few thousand sitting places in which numerous events (for adults, children and youth alike) has been incorporated into one of the rock walls.
    The day ends in Dolina Gadów (The Reptile Valley) – an exotarium in which you can encounter boa constrictor, caiman, iguana, monitor lizards, pythons and many, many more exotic reptiles.
    The following day is as much adventurous as the previous one. A real surprise awaits in Kurozwęki – unique herd of over 80 bison strolling proudly in meadows surrounding the palace complex. It is a memorable experience to be so close to the animals which cannot be encountered anywhere else in Poland and see them from the “safari-bison cart”. Kurozwęki offer a beautiful palace, the fully renovated chambers of which can be visited under the guide"s supervision. Those who are not afraid to meet the ghosts of the past can go treasure hunting in the Palace’s dungeons. The atmosphere of mystery is in the air also in the huge corn maize. One can easily loose all sense of direction in its tangled paths. But getting from one end to the other gives indescribable satisfaction!
    The third day is the continuation of encounters with history of the Świętokrzyskie Region. The magic of the bygone ages are discovered in the thick walls of Chęciny Castle. It is one of the biggest Polish strongholds. Nowadays you can still hear the groan of prisoners captured after the victorious battle of Tannenberg. Hold your breath, as in the evening you will see the Apparition at the castle’s courtyard. It is the ghost of the queen Bona who frequently visits Chęciny, and, as the legend has it, looks for the huge royal treasure she had once hidden here.
    Chęciny is not far away from Sobków, in which the ruins of the 16th century fortalice and 18th century palace  stand proud at the Nida river . Here, in the chambers of “Pod zakutym łbem” Restaurant, you will meet Mr. Twardowski (Polish nobleman and protagonist of multiple legends) who will talk you into britzka rides or short gondola cruise.
    The last day of trip is the day you will never forget. It will be spent in the distant past. This time travel is made possible in Jurassic Park Bałtów. On every step you take in this huge park you meet prehistoric reptile. The models are so painstakingly made that you cannot escape the impression that is the real dinosaur standing right in front of us. The information plates on the route help you to know better this magnificent reptiles and the mysterious past of our planet. In the paleontological and artistic workshops you can paint your own dinosaur model or become a gold prospect and wash your own gold nugget. Last but not least is the trip by the yellow American school bus to the Bałtów Zoo, in which you can admire unique animals from all over the world.

    Offer presented by:
    Łysogóry Travel Agency

    ul. Dobrzączka
    26-060 Chęciny - Jaskinia Raj
    Phone: +48 41 366 30 15