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The Bałtowski Jurassic Park

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
      With family
    • price:
    • Discounts:
    • Organizer name:
      Stowarzyszenie "Bałt"
    • Organizer data:
      Bałtów, 1 55
    • Phone:
      +48 41 264 14 20 21
  • Description

    A visit to the only Jurassic Park in Poland will give you a unique opportunity to see and admire natural sized prehistoric reptiles. In the area of approximately 3 hectares in the village of Bałtów near Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski you will find over 40 dinosaur models. A diplodocus, being the largest of them, is almost 11 m tall and 26 m long. It is easier to explore the park owing to its’ specially marked and described route bringing us closer to all geological periods ranging from Cambrian to Neolithic periods. In the museum visitors may admire fossils dating back to the above periods. The youngest may play in a playground where, apart from various attractions, they will have an opportunity to dig out a skeleton of a tyrannosaur as long as several meters and take part in geology and arts workshops. Your visit to Bałtów will be even more attractive, if you go rafting down the Kamienna River, try the offer of the Horse-riding Centre “W Krainie Koni” (“In the Land of the Horses”), see the exotic exhibition entitled “Dolina gadów” (The Reptile Valley”), a zoological garden and take an opportunity to try newly-established ski-lifts in winter.

    Bałtowski Jurassic Park

    27-423 Bałtów 8a (12 km north from Ostrowiec Św.)
    phone +4841 264 14 20



    Hidden text line that is needed to fix map width
    • 21.546249389648
    • 51.017264458575
    • Bałtów
    • The Bałtowski Jurassic Park