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Indoor Swimming Pool ORKA in Kielce

Practical Information

  • Detailed InformationZwińRozwiń
    • Object type:
      Swimming Pool
    • Comments:
      - Sklepik z okularami i czepkami - Czepki do wypożyczenia przy kasie
    • County:
    • Community:
    • Address:
      Kielce , ul. Kujawska 18
    • Latitude:
    • Longitude:
    • Tourist region:
      Kielce Region
    • Whole week:
      7:00 - 22:30
    • Comments:
      - Ostatnie wejście o godzinie 21:45
    • price:
      8 - 9,50 PLN
    • Discounts:
      • Children
      • Group
      • Seniors
      • Students
  • Description

    Indoor Swimming Pool "ORKA" is situated at Secondary School No. 12 in Kielce. The facility includes two swimming pools - main swimming pool with dimensions 25 m x 12 m and smaller, recreational one. The complex includes cloak rooms and emergency rooms. Swimming pool has an electronic system for time calculation.

    Price list:
    Price for 45 min. Charge after exceeding 60 min. every 5 minutes. 1/10 of the basic fee.
    Monday - Friday
    Full ticket - 9,50 PLN
    Reduced ticket- 8 PLN
    Group ticket (min. 15 people) - 7 PLN

    Saturdays, Sunadays and holidays:
    Full ticket - 10,50 PLN
    Reduced ticket - 9 PLN
    Group ticket (min. 15 people) - 8 PLN
    Organized sports groups -training twice a day - 4 PLN
    Children under6 -free admission
    Reduced ticket-pupils, students,pensioners
    Group ticket-  tutor free

    Season ticket            Colour         Price              Worthwhileness
    STANDARD 55               green          50,00 PLN              55 PLN (10%)
    STANDARD 150             blue            100,00 PLN            115 PLN (15%)
    AQUAMAX                     red             300,00 PLN            360 PLN (20%)
    VIP                                gold            800,00 PLN           1040 PLN (30%)
    Refundable deposit for the electronically card 20 PLN


    Hidden text line that is needed to fix map width
    • 20.6494732
    • 50.8673883
    • Kielce, ul. Kujawska 18
    • Indoor Swimming Pool ORKA in Kielce