Easy and perfect for one-day trip route conducts through the asphalt route with little traffic. The towns and villages are picturesquely located among Koneckie forests which hiding interesting nature pieces.
Course: Sielpia - Piekło - Końskie - Piła - Leśniczówka "Stoki" - Stara Kuźnica - Drutarnia - Czysta - Młynek - Barycz – Kornica - Proćwin - Modliszewice - Kazanów – Brody - Dziebałtów – Sielpia
Lenght: 45,0 km
Colour: red
Dificulty: easy

Sielpia - situated on the Czarna Konecka River, near a lake of about 150 acres, is the biggest holiday resort in the Świętokrzyski Region. In the 19th century, however, the place was well known for the fact that one of the biggest industrial plants of Zagłębie Staropolskie operated there. Nowadays, the old buildings of the rolling mill and the puddling mill (a plant converting pig iron into malleable steel) house the Museum of Zagłębie Staropolskie. The most valuable exhibits include a huge, metal drive wheel of 8m diameter and some unique machines and equipment such as lathes, planning machines, presses or one hundred and fifty-year-old machine tools. Also, a water intake (dykes, sluices, and channels), production halls, wood dryers, a gate-house and an old settlement have remained there.
Piekło – the Hell Reserve is situated between Piekło (Hell) and Niebo (Heaven) villages. cluster of rocks with fantastic shapes has been protected. Rocks reach 5 meters and extend to a length of approximately 100 meters.
Stara Kuźnica – one can see the complex of unique forgery with water system from 19. century. The huge hammer and anvil as well as wooden smith’s bellow can be seen. A mechanism which dams up the river is situated next to the building. Nowadays, the forgery is perceived as technical museum.
Modliszewice – one should notice the ruins of castle from 16. century, designed by Santi Gucci thanks to Andrzej Modliszewski foundation. The castle is picturesquely located on the island surrounded by water moat from the North and pond from the South. Made of bricks and stones, has two storeys and two basteas. To the castle one can get through the bridge and gate in the north.
Kazanów – remains of the Kazanowski manor house built in 16. century and complex of Bernardine monastery from 17. century. The church was built on the place former timber church from 1694, founded by Izabela Lipska-Lamckorońska. Complex of Bernardine monastery are added to the church.
More information: www.sejmik.kielce.pl