Nordic Walking in Świętokrzyskie
Once you have your Nordic Walking poles and know how to walk correctly, the next step is choosing a location to practice the technique. Asphalt and hard pavements won't allow for perfecting Nordic Walking technique. Opt for flat or gently undulating areas with soft ground – this way, you'll maximize the potential of walking with poles according to the principles of proper Nordic Walking technique. Head to Świętokrzyskie and plant those poles!

Nordic Walking – How to Walk
Brief Guide:
- Arms and legs – alternate movement
- The entire foot works: it starts with the heel and ends with the toes
- Upper body movement originates from the shoulder joint – not from the elbow
- Plant the pole halfway through a long step
- Release the pole momentarily after crossing the hip line
Nordic Walking – Where to Walk in Świętokrzyskie:
Forest paths, trails, well-trodden clearings – anywhere where the ground is soft and the pole sinks smoothly and quickly back into your hand without straining the elbow. Moreover, walking in nature is more calming and relaxing than a long run on concrete sidewalks in a housing estate.
Nordic Walking in Kielce - Stadion Park and Posłowickie Range
Hectares of mixed forests in the south of the capital of Świętokrzyskie provide space for various activities – especially Nordic Walking. Throughout the year, you'll encounter runners, cyclists, walkers, and in winter, skiers. The forests are crisscrossed with three marked hiking trails, educational paths, and a network of unmarked trails. But before you discover your favorite trails, warm up on the "Forest Adventure" trail. A three-kilometer walk around the forest stadium will prepare you for more intense training. Then you can explore the area – perhaps head towards Pierścienica and further towards Biesak Mountain. A walk through the undulating Posłowickie Range will surely give you a positive energy boost. Visit the Biesak-Białogon reserve with interesting geological exposures and a small lake. Along your route, you'll also encounter many places of national memory. Once you've traversed the most frequented trails, the forest will enchant you and encourage you to explore its network of paths.

FOR WHOM? In Stadion Park, everyone will find suitable trails:
- Beginners can practice technique on the flat and sandy Leśne Dukty trail
- Advanced long-distance walkers will find a network of trails crossing the foothill areas
- Highly advanced walkers will find places for uphill climbs with poles – from Pierścienica onwards through Kamienna and Biesak
Practical Information:
- You can park your car in parking lots along Szczepaniaka Street or Stadion Avenue
- After your walk, you can relax in the restaurants and cafes of hotels such as Hotel 365, Binkowski Resort, and Hotel Maraton MOSIR
The Narrow-Gauge Railway Trail in Świętokrzyskie National Park
Not just Łysa Góra and Łysica... Trekking and strenuous climbs can wait for another time – today's idea is a longer Nordic Walking excursion in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains.
The former narrow-gauge railway trail connects two tourist towns in Świętokrzyskie: Święta Katarzyna and Nowa Słupia. And that's why it's the best place for Nordic Walking in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. The trail is fifteen kilometers one way – away from car traffic and crowds of tourists heading to Łysica. The route is surrounded by beech-fir forests, providing pleasant coolness in summer. The path is straight, flat, and well-marked – the ground slightly rises before Nowa Słupia.

- Beginners can practice technique on flat ground, take a break at Słupski Weksel, and return
- Advanced long-distance walkers can stride 30 km to Nowa Słupia and back to Święta Katarzyna for ice cream
- Highly advanced walkers can go to Nowa Słupia and back – 30 km – and even climb Łysica because it won't be enough for them
Practical Information:
- You can start the trail in Święta Katarzyna or Nowa Słupia
- You can park your car in tourist parking lots
- You can refresh yourself in restaurants, bars, and pubs
Nordic Walking in Chęciny
Mines and quarries in the vicinity of Chęciny have been providing limestone and ores such as copper, lead, and silver since the Middle Ages. Today, Chęciny and its surroundings drive the local economy through tourism – thanks to the monumental castle and splendid recreational areas. Former mines and quarries are now charming places for walks and Nordic Walking practice.

From Chęciny to Góra Żakowa (blue hiking trail): The asphalt section at the beginning of the trail from Chęciny is compensated by the walk to Jaskinia Piekło on the slope of Góra Żakowa. The ground is soft, partly sandy, and the gentle hills in the forest are not tiring. The trail is suitable for beginners – about 10 km each way.
Along the slopes of Rzepka (black educational trail or off-trail): A forested, hilly space for advanced walkers who walk with poles quickly and want to challenge themselves with uphill climbs. The reward for training is the view from Rzepka towards Grząby Bolmińskie and Grzywy Korzeczkowskie.
From Miedzianka to Chęciny (yellow hiking trail) about 20 km through the queen of Chęciny mountains – the scenic Miedzianka. The trail is long but very satisfying for pole enthusiasts: after descending from the steep Miedzianka, passing through Grząby Bolmińskie and Grzywy Korzeczkowskie – convex wooded areas with gentle slopes, perfect for practicing technique.

Nordic Walking - Końskie - Sielpia surroundings
You don't have to go to the seaside to feel sand under your poles... Just come to our Świętokrzyskie Sielpia by the reservoir. Sandy beaches, equally sandy paths, and trails in pine forests are perfect terrain for Nordic Walking. That's why you can step onto the red Nordic Walking trail straight from the sports and recreation center by the reservoir, which leads through forests hiding relics of former industry. The route is 13 km long and will take you over 2 hours. The trail runs on the western side of the reservoir in Sielpia towards the picturesque Czarna Taraska River rushing to meet the reservoir. The footbridge over the river is a great spot for a selfie! Then you'll be immersed in the atmosphere of a pine forest, which will lead you to the meandering Czarna River – it will take you to Sielpia.

- The trail is suitable for beginners due to the lack of elevation and very soft ground
- Advanced walkers will appreciate the sandy paths – perfect for practicing proper technique
Practical Information:
- You can start the trail near the Sielpia Sports and Recreation Center
- Along the trail, there are boards with warm-up suggestions, demonstrations of proper technique, and a map
- In Sielpia, there are numerous restaurants, bars, and pubs
Nordic Walking - Sieradowicki Landscape Park:
The mixed forests of Sieradowice Park remember the times of uprisings and wars – after all, they provided shelter for partisans fighting for the country's freedom. Today, in the forest clearings, you'll find many places of national memory. The park is crisscrossed with marked hiking trails and numerous unmarked paths and fire roads. We recommend the most beautiful trail in autumn – from Suchedniów to Berezów via the legendary Kamień Michniowski.
Small hills and soft ground, full of leaves in autumn, will inspire you to walk faster and make even better use of proper technique. Only a short section of the trail runs on asphalt.

- The trail is suitable for beginners due to the soft ground and the possibility of shortening the walk using various fire roads
- Advanced walkers will appreciate the soft ground and small hills, which will bring out their active potential
Practical Information:
- You can start the trail in Suchedniów at the parking lot near the PKP Railway Station, and finish in Berezów – also at the railway station. From there, you can take a train back to Suchedniów if you drove there
- Along the way, there are the Museum of Martyrology of Polish Lands in Michniów, the Kamień Michniowski reserve, and the "Burzący Stok" spring.
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