Ideas for autumn photo shoots in Świętokrzyskie region
This year's autumn is spoiling us exceptionally. Sunshine, high temperatures and cloudless skies encourage us to spend time outdoors. October has begun, but the golden Polish autumn is still ahead of us. Why not combine the pleasant with the useful? Go for a walk or go on a trip and lock in the frames of beautiful moments? We suggest where in the Świętokrzyskie region to go for an autumn photo session.

Pumpkin Planet in Kielce is a unique open-air photographic location. Here you will see the city skyline on one side, and on the other a pumpkin field with autumn compositions. Arrangements were created on several levels using flowers, hay bales, crates, wheelbarrows, a ladder truck, a beautiful Beetle and the iconic URSUS. The whole area was decorated with hundreds of pumpkins in 50 varieties! After a walk up the hill and a photo session in the fairy-tale scenery, it will be time for shopping in the organic store. Here you will buy not only edible pumpkins, but also those that will be a perfect decoration for your homes and gardens.

Another ideal place for an autumn photo session in Świętokrzyskie is Oblęgorek. The area around the Palace of Henryk Sienkiewicz is extremely picturesque and diverse, which gives you the opportunity to take many interesting frames. Waiting for you here is the long Linden Alley, a stylized palace surrounded by a park, loess ravines in the Barania Góra Reserve and undulating landscapes. Nearby there is also the Stable under Inflancka Kobyla and the Sienkiewiczówka café, where you can regenerate with a cup of aromatic coffee.

During your autumn tours, take a trip to Ponidzie as well! The idyllic and undulating landscapes will provide you with plenty of beautiful shots. A must-see is the Zlota Wies Winery in Zlota near Pinczow. This small vineyard located on a hill, among farmland is one of the most beautiful places in our Region. You will be enchanted here not only by the scenery, but also by the excellent wine, local products and the hosts themselves.

What colors do you associate autumn with? With yellow? Red? Or maybe golden? You will see this whole range of colors in Sandomierz! Red medieval walls, sandy yellow facades of historic houses and golden leaves in St. Hedwig's Ravine will be a perfect setting for your autumn styling. And if you dream of a session closer to nature, head to the Pieprzowe Mountains, which at this time of year delight with a variety of colors and textures.

The Holy Cross National Park is an iconic place for autumn hikes. The main component of these forests are beech trees, which turn their leaves golden, red and brown in autumn. While walking, you will conjure up beautiful frames in Święta Katarzyna at the spring and the wooden chapel of St. Francis, later on the stone steps leading to Łysica and, of course, at the summit itself, which is formed by stone rock rubble.

Another place in the Świętokrzyskie National Park that is worth capturing in photographs is Łysa Góra, also known as the Holy Cross. Here you will take beautiful photos on the platform overlooking the gołoborze, the vantage point at the monastery and from the viewing terrace on the monastery tower. You will immortalize the hardships of the hike by ascending Łysa Góra along the so-called Royal Road from Nowa Słupia or along the educational path from Huta Szklana

A place that perfectly fits the atmosphere of an autumn photo session is the Ethnographic Park in Tokarnia. On a large and very varied area stand dozens of historic thatched country cottages, small-town houses, barns, granaries, windmills, a wooden church and a manor house. The whole area has been arranged to reflect the atmosphere of 19th-century villages and towns from all over the Region.

Autumn is also worth a trip to the Bałtów Tourist Complex, which was already decorated with more than 2,000 pumpkins in late September. Pumpkins of various shapes and colors in often surprising arrangements will be the perfect backdrop for your photo shoots.

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