Autobus turystyczny - Zarezerwuj bilet !!!
The Cave Raj

Nature has for ages created its underground complex of breathtaking tunnels and chambers decorated with hundreds of stalagmites, stalactites, pillars and pisoids of various shapes and forms.

  • Dobrzączka
  • +48 41 366 30 15
The Pepper Mountains

The Pieprzowe Mountains being as old as around 500 million years owe their name to the colour of their rocks [“pieprzowe” meaning “pepper” in Polish].

  • Kamień Łukawski, Podmiejska 61
The Skałki Piekło (Hell Rocks) pod Niekłaniem

The Skałki Piekło (Hell Rocks) pod Niekłaniem inanimate nature reserve is another example proving that the region abounds in names containing such word as hell or devil. Located in the Stęporków commune, the reserve was established in 1959 to protect curious sandstone formations caused by wind erosion.

  • +48 41 372 31 70
Wietrznia Reserve and Centre for Geoeducation

Wietrznia - Zbigniew Rubinowski Reserve - is a final part of Kadzielnia Range and it is in the Eastern side of Kielce, between Wojska Polskiego, Daleszycka and Księcia Józefa Poniatowskiego Streets.

  • Kielce, Wojska Polskiego 97
  • + 48 41 367 66 54
Zelejowa Mountain

The crast phenomena on Zelejowa appear in numerous copybooks as a showcase of their kind. This region gained its fame because of the so called “Różanka Zalejowska” - the calcite of unique pattern.

  • Zelejowa
  • +48 41 315 10 06