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21st Spa and Rehabilitation Military Hospital
Room from:160PLN

The 21. Military Spa and Rehabilitation Hospital SP ZOZ in Busko-Zdrój offers rehabilitation therapy combined with spa treatment. This rule is based on application of balneological treatment and kinesitherapy at one time and in one place, together with the whole spectrum of other physiotherapeutic procedures.

  • Busko-Zdrój, ul. Rzewsukiego 8
  • +48 41 378 03 85
ASTORIA Sanatorium
Room from:60PLN

The Sanatorium “Astoria” is a modern facility. It can accommodate 120 cure makers and offer them the following therapies, treatments and procedures: sulphide baths, carbonic acid baths, therapeutic mud baths and packings, hydro massages ozone and bubble baths.

  • Busko-Zdrój, ul. Starkiewicza 19
  • +48 41 378 80 67
GÓRKA Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Specialised Hospital

The “Górka” hospital is a modern and fully equipped medical establishment for children and adults; its staff is highly qualified and experienced. We specialize in endo-implants of knee and hip joints. Our services can be financed by patients or from the National Health Fund budget.

  • Busko-Zdrój, ul. Dr. Szymona Starkiewicza 1
  • +48 41 370 34 00
KRYSTYNA Spa Hospital
Room from:95PLN

It is a modern establishment offering comprehensive rehabilitation program for handicapped persons. The hospital has four wards: rheumatic, neurological, cardiologic and a ward for rehabilitation of patients with locomotor problems.

  • Busko-Zdrój, ul. Rzewsukiego 3
  • +48 41 370 31 51

The “Rehabilitation & Therapeutic Stays”, “VIP-antystres”, Renewal in Medical SPA”, “Good Energy”, “Spine in Need”, “Renaissance”, or “In the Malinowy Paradise” are only a few packages available for those who wish to take a comprehensive care of their bodily condition, seeking regeneration and renewal and wanting to reload batteries.

  • Solec-Zdrój, ul. Leśna 7
  • +48 41 370 40 01
MIKOŁAJ II Sanatorium

The Mikołaj II Sanatorium provided many treatments for health. The following treatments are available: regular massage, vibratory massage, cryotherapy, hydro massage, bubble baths, individual gymnastics, needle bath and treatment with use of electromagnetic field. Privately financed therapy is also available.

  • Busko-Zdrój, ul. 12-ego Stycznia 2
  • +48 41 378 25 66
MIKOŁAJ Sanatorium

The sanatorium building was erected on top of Mt Bycza Góra in 1837. Designed by Jakub Gaya, it was raised with funds provided by tsar Nicolas I. At present, it has a physiotherapeutic facility that offers 16 different treatments for those who need rehabilitation of locomotor organs.

  • Busko-Zdrój, ul. 1 – go Maja 3
  • +48 41 370 32 26
NATURA Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre

Founded by Jadwiga and Jerzy Stodolny in 1990, Villa “Natura” is a unique establishment that offers specialized medical care combined with individually adjusted program of rehabilitation, physiotherapy and aesthetic dermatology in oder to eliminate imperfections and regenerate good looks.

  • Busko-Zdrój, ul. Chopina 9
  • +48 41 378 70 56
NIDA ZDRÓJ Sanatorium
Room from:108PLN

Located in the spa center and surrounded by a rest and recreation parkland, the sanatorium “Nida-Zdrój” offers health restoration therapies to patients suffering from locomotor and rheumatic conditions as well as to those who have nervous system disorders or dermatological problems.

  • Busko-Zdrój, ul. F. Rzewuskiego 9
  • +48 41 378 24 91
OBLĘGOREK Spa Hospital
Room from:90PLN

The “Oblęgorek” Spa Hospital is located in an old and beautiful building raised in 1903. It serves patients with dermatological problems. The hospital is equipped with the newest medical facilities, including instruments for phototherapy.

  • Busko-Zdrój, ul. 1 Maja 19
  • +48 41 370 31 51