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Alive Museum of Porcelain in Ćmielów

The small town of Ćmielów in the powiat of Ostrowiec is famous for the best quality porcelain produced there. Galleries in New York, Chicago, Paris, London, Berlin, Moscow and in other European capitals are proud owners of porcelain masterworks from Ćmielów, which in the 1960’s were a huge world success.

  • Ćmielów, ul. Sandomierska 243
  • +48 15 861 20 21
Art Exhibitions Office in Kielce

Art Exhibitions Office in Kielce exhibition runs regular activity in our galleries and in cooperation with other galleries and institutions in the country. ffice realizes foreign art exhibitions in Kielce and Kielce artists abroad, as well as, promotes work of local artists, the most interesting artistic environment at home and abroad.

  • Kielce, Kapitulna 2
  • +48 41 344 63 19
Cathedral in Kielce

In 1171 the Bishop Gedeon founded a collegiate church under the invocation of the Ascension located on Wzgórze Zamkowe. It was a Romanesque-style temple.

  • Kielce, pl. Marii Panny 3
  • 048 41 344 63 07
Cathedral in Sandomierz

The first church was erected here in approximately 1120, but the first recorded mention of the later basilica is found in the papal bulla issued by Eugene III in 1148. The church suffered damages in the 13th century, during frequent foreign invasions.

  • Sandomierz, ul. Mariacka 10
  • +48 15 832 73 43
Chapel of St. Anna in Pińczów

It is a place that mesmerizes people every season of the year with a symphony of colours of the surrounding nature. It’s perfect for a walk, picnic and relaxation in the shadows of the trees. If you want to entertain yourself with the view of Pińczów and Nida valley, you should definitely go for a walk on the St. Anna Mountain.

  • Pińczów, Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego 20
  • +48 41 357 54 04
Cistercian Monastery in Jędrzejów

The monastery was founded by the Wrocław bishop Janik Jaksa and his brother Klemens in 1140. It was raised near the Biała Nida river-head as the 21st branch of Morimond Abbey (France) and received the name of Morimondus Minor.

  • Jędrzejów, ul. Kalsztorna 10
  • +48 41 386 23 08
Cistercian Monastery in Koprzywnica

Koprzywnica is located in the Koprzywianka River valley and not far from the city of Sandomierz. Its fame is due to the former residence of the Cistercian order. Both the church and remains of the monastery constitute a stop-over on the European Cistercian Trail.

  • Koprzywnica, ul. Krakowska 76
  • +48 15 847 62 02
Cistercian Monastery in Wąchock

Pride of the place is Poland"s best-preserved Romanesque monastic church devoted to the Holy Virgin Mary and St Florian. The monastery was delegated by the Abbey of Morimond in Burgundy, France. The abbey was probably founded by the Cracovian bishop Gedko of the Grifit family in 1179.

  • Wąchock, ul. Kościelna 14
  • +48 41 275 02 00
Complex of Palace in Kurozwęki

In the second half of the 14th century in Kurozwęki they erected a castle referred to in a document dating back to 1400 as “castrum Curoswank”. unique attraction is a herd of over 80 American buffaloes in, which can be admired from the interior of “safari buffalo” carriage.

  • Kurozwęki, ul. Zamkowa 3
  • +48 15 866 72 72
Education – Museum Centre “Świętokrzyski Shtetl”

Located at the crossing of the Staszów – Jędrzejów and Kielce – Tarnów roads, Chmielnik has a synagogue and two Jewish cemeteries: they testify to the wealth and importance of the former Jewish community of Chmielnik.

  • Chmielnik
  • +48 41 354 24 12 (w. 106, 107)