Autobus turystyczny - Zarezerwuj bilet !!!
The Bałtow Bicycle Trail (2)

The most attractive place on the trail is Jurassic Park in Bałtów which offers educational path, contact with nature and amusement in the Jurrasic Playground.

    Through Krasna Valley

    This picturesque route leads mostly asphalt roads. The main attraction is Museum of Old Polish Industrial Region in Sielpia as well as “Góra Krasna” reserve.

    • +48 41 372 31 70
    Through the forest around Włoszczowa

    Bicycle ride along the trail is a proposal for nature lovers and interested in history. The trail leads dirt and forest roads, often unmarked, so that one should bring a terrain bike and exact map of the surroundings.

    • +48 41 372 31 70
    Through the Koprzywianka Valley

    This trail is not very difficult and leading through the forests and asphalt routes. It is recommended for historical monuments amateurs because of the most representative towns and villages of Wisła and Koprzywianka Valleys.

    • +48 15 832 23 05
    To the Water

    The trail can be considered as a way to get to nearby bays and public beaches such as Rejów or Kamionka, or as a route for a short bike ride. This easy trail leads mostly asphalt roads.

    • +48 41 253 15 42
    Towards Podzamcze Piekoszowskie

    The route consists of the area attractive from the point of view historical monuments and unique nature. The cyclists will take historical experience in the capital of Swiętokrzyskie Voivodeship, delight in the beauty of the Jaworznia quarry and admire picturesquely ruins of Podamcze Piekoszowskie.

    • +48 41 312 49 00
    Towards Stara Kuźnica

    Easy and perfect for one-day trip route conducts through the asphalt route with little traffic. The towns and villages are picturesquely located among Koneckie forests which hiding interesting nature pieces.

    • +48 41 372 31 70
    Traces of Technical Monuments of Kamienna Valley

    Driving this route will become connected with the meeting most important monuments of Old Polish Industrial Region. The only problem is the route distance. One should divide the trip into two or three days.

    • +48 505 444 874
    Trail of Marian Raciborski

    Trails in the vicinity of Bałtów mainly leads through the asphalt roads, but all routes are suitable for cycling with the family, of course, in the footsteps of dinosaurs.

    • +48 505 444 874
    Trail of Witold Gombrowicz

    The trail leads through the villages, which are linked with the writer and his family. The route covers the three districts: ostrowiecki, opatowski and starachowicki, leading mostly through the asphalt roads with a few off-road sections. Due to the length of the route, we divide it into 2 - or 3-day episodes.

    • +48 505 444 874