Autobus turystyczny - Zarezerwuj bilet !!!
The Bicycle Route of Fortified Architecture

The Bicycle Route of Fortified Architecture leads through the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship and covers over 500 kilometres with over 39 fortified buildings on the way.

  • Województwo Świętokrzyskie
  • +48 41 348 00 60
The Cistercian Picnic under Cistercian Apple Tree

A new trend – long walks in the most picturesque places – is being introduced in order to change the stale lifestyles and urge into better treatment of bodies and souls. The Świętokrzyski Region offers Cistercian Picnic under Cistercian Apple Tree for all those who wish to rest and give some time to themselves.

  • Koprzywnica
  • +48 15 847 62 02
The Fern Flower Route of Świętokrzyskie

“The Fern Route of Świętokrzyskie” is created for all those who share deep interest in ecology and enjoy staying in the wild, untouched by the human hand nature. It is going to be a real ecological journey into the land of memorable landscapes and unique in the scale of Europe flora. The 4,5 km long route is going to lead from Huta Stara through Huta Podłysica to Huta Szklana.

  • Świętokrzyskie Mountains
  • +48 41 302 50 94 w. 213
The Narrow-Gauge Railway in Starachowice

The development of narrow- gauge railway lines in the neighborhood of Starachowice was closely connected with industrial and mining activities carried out within the framework of an inter-war project known as the Central Industrial Region.

  • Route Starachowice - Lipie
  • +48 41 276 09 42
The Singing Package

People who use voice as their work tool – artists, singers, vocalists, choir members, teachers, radio journalist or coaches – very often suffer from conditions plaguing their susceptible instrument. Despite deep throat care, vocal cords and larynx can easily weary or catch a cold, which makes work difficult or even impossible.

  • Busko-Zdrój, ul. 1 Maja 10
  • +48 41 370 31 51, 0
The Sulima Offer

We all used to live in our own unbound world of children fantasises and dreams and you are wrong if you think that they can never come true. Just go to the magnificent palace complex of Kurozwęki to see that it is never too late to pursuit the dream of your child within.

  • Kurozwęki, ul. Zamkowa 3
  • +48 15 866 72 72
The Trail around the Sun

You dread for the weather each time you plan your summer holidays? There is nothing more disappointing than rainy and cold weekend. There is one place in Poland, however, where the Sun shines for 1551 hours a year! It is called Busko-Zdrój and it is a perfect for climatotherapy. Exquisite microclimate of Busko-Zdrój creates perfect conditions for good rest.

  • Busko-Zdrój
  • +48 41 378 71 77
The Winter Sabbath

What do the witches do in the winter, times when the days are short and cold and herbs are deeply covered with a deep duvet of snow? Well... the witches frolic about in the snow during “The Winter Sabbath”.

  • Województwo Świętokrzyskie
Therapeutic Package

Hours spent at computer desk, allergies, degenerations caused by sport injuries, bad eating habits and lack of physical activity are the main causes of illnesses plaguing us nowadays. However, we frequently deny the need of treatment believing that problems will solve themselves or that we do not have enough time for long therapies.

  • Solec-Zdrój, ul. Leśna 7
  • +48 41 370 40 04
Winter Witch Meetings

The land of Świętokrzyskie is where magic and wizardry still live in traditions and common beliefs. It may seem that winter is time when all the witches get off their brooms and the brigands get back to their caves hidden in the uncharted mountains.

  • Województwo Świętokrzyskie
  • +48 41 366 30 15