Autobus turystyczny - Zarezerwuj bilet !!!
Tokarnia Heritage Park

The main exhibition of the Museum of Kielecka Village is the Ethnographic Park in Tokarnia, which is located on the E77 route leading from Kielce to Cracow. In the picturesquely located in the Czarna Nida river bend over 70-hectare area...

  • Tokarnia
  • +48 41 315 41 71
Tomasz Zieliński Residence

In 1847, the head of the Kielce county authorities Tomasz Zieliński, a patron of fine arts and lover of antiquities, became a leaseholder of a riding school building and transformed it into a private residence.

  • Kielce, ul. Zamkowa 5
  • +48 41 368 20 53
Tower of Art

Gallery was situated in a reconstructed building which funcioned as a part of old railway station. City leased the building from the station and adapted to gallery. Through the windows one can see the panorama of Kielce city. Gallery offers many interesting articles from different fields of art.

  • Kielce, pl. Niepodległości 1
  • +48 41 278 12 32
Underground Tourist Route in Opatów

The dungeons of Opatów were created in times of the city"s prosperity caused by its growing influence and its location: here the merchant routes of Silesia – Cracow – Great Poland and Pomeranian – Ruthenia crossed.

  • Opatów
  • +48 15 868 27 78
Underground Tourist Route in Sandomierz

The Underground Tourist Route in Sandomierz was created on the safety mine works, when the former cellars and merchant warehouses were linked. It is 470 meters long and its denivelation can reach 12 meters.

  • Sandomierz
  • +48 15 832 08 43