Autobus turystyczny - Zarezerwuj bilet !!!
Stud Farm SOBKÓW

Stable is a facility located on the route of the horse trial, in the picturesque village Sobków, situated on the left bank of Nida river. It offers horse riding lessons for all levels.

  • Sobków, ul. Kielecka 134
  • +48 41 387 10 19
Summer Swimming Pool in Kielce

Summer swimming Pool in Kielce is appreciated by many people every summer. Olympic size 50 x 25 m and depth 1.20 m are the most attractive fature of this facility. There are also three grocery shops. The facility includes volleyball beach, ball beach soccer, a basketball court and swings.

  • Kielce, ul. Szczecińska 1
  • +48 41 344 07 12
Surroundings of Bieliny

The trail leads through places associated with the earliest settlements in the Holy Cross Mountains, extending its range of rich history, namely the Holy Cross and a beautiful mountain nature.

  • +48 41 302 50 94

The Manufactory of Sweets is located in the Pharmacy of Imagination, part of the Museum of Toys and Fun in Kielce. In the manufactory everyone can see how colourful lollipops and candies are made in a magical way without using machines and take part in workshops of making chocolate by hand.

  • Kielce, ul. Mickiewicza 1
  • +48 537 950 750
Świętokrzyska Polana Complex

Świętokrzyska Polana - Medical Resort oddalony zaledwie o kilka kilometrów od Kielc, pozwala delektować się czasem wolnym spędzonym w otoczeniu pięknych lasów Suchedniowsko-Oblęgorskiego Parku Krajobrazowego.

  • Chrusty, Laskowa 95
  • +48 41 260 50 60
Świętokrzyska Zagroda Kultury HARMONIA

Świętokrzyska Zagroda Kultury HARMONIA to interaktywna wystawa, która zaprasza na niezwykłą podróż przez życie w XIX-wiecznej wsi świętokrzyskiej. To tu, poprzez losy bohaterów - Władzia i Mani, zwiedzający mogą zanurzyć się w rytmie dawnych dni, przeżywając zmieniające się pory roku w czterech zmysłowo zaaranżowanych salach.

  • Huta Szklana, Droga bez nazwy
  • 41 260 81 51
Świętokrzyski Archeo – Geo Trail no 1.

This is a perfect route for geology’s lovers, because it leads to three geological reserves. An unforgettable experience gives a visit in the Raj Cave, which has nearly forty years consistently delights visitors with wonderful garment stalactite.

  • +48 41 344 77 43
Świętokrzyski Archeo – Geo Trail no 2.

The route is primarily recommended to all interested in Geology and the mining tradition of the region. The biggest attraction is Miedzianka Mountain, jokingly called the Świętokrzyski Giewont. It provides an excellent vantage point.

  • +48 41 344 77 43
Świętokrzyski Archeological - Geological Trial - additional objects

The trial gathers: Krzemionki, Jurassic Park of Bałtów, Kielce with Wietrznia and Kadzielnia reserves, and many other attractions including, of course Zachełmie and famous in the world Tetrapod traces.

  • +48 41 348 00 60
Świętokrzyski Archeological-Geological Trial

Świętokrzyski Archeo – Geology Trail is based on the greatest wealth of the Kielce Land - geological and archaeological resources.

  • +48 41 348 00 60